Bioinformatic Tools and Methods

Microbial communities cannot be observed directly. We use molecular techniques to measure DNA, RNA, protein, lipids, and small molecules, which allow us to infer the form and function of microbial systems. In particular, we employ high-throughput DNA sequencing to quantify the taxonomic and functional content of a microbial community. These data are highly complex, containing many zeros (i.e. sparse), in addition to several forms of technical, sampling, and biological biases/noise that are difficult to disentangle. In order to form an accurate picture of these communities, novel bioinformatic and statistical techniques are required. We develop tools and techniques for dealing with batch effects, compositionality, sparsity, and other issues that can hamper analyses. Furthermore, we try to integrate our tools into open source software packages, like QIIME2, so that they are accessible to the rest of the research community. Please visit the lab github page for more details.

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