Scientists Decode Diet From Stool DNA – No Questions Asked
ISB's Gibbons Lab developed a breakthrough method that analyzes food-derived DNA in fecal metagenomes, allowing for data-driven diet tracking without the need for burdensome questionnaires.
ISB's Gibbons Lab developed a breakthrough method that analyzes food-derived DNA in fecal metagenomes, allowing for data-driven diet tracking without the need for burdensome questionnaires.
Reflecting on the past year, ISB has a lot to celebrate: groundbreaking research published in leading scientific journals, well-earned promotions, widespread media coverage, and more. Enjoy our year-in-review roundup highlighting some of the important, interesting, and impactful highlights of 2024.
ISB has been selected as a winner of the 2024 Amazon Web Services (AWS) IMAGINE Grant. The grant will support ISB’s continued development of My Digital Gut, an online decision-support platform that will help make microbiome-informed nutrition and healthcare personalized, predictive, and preventive.
There has been an explosion of research into the two-way communication between the gut microbiota and the brain. This year, ISB hosted a virtual microbiome series dedicated to exploring the gut-brain axis.
Everybody poops, but not every day. An ISB-led research team examined the clinical, lifestyle, and multi-omic data of more than 1,400 healthy adults. How often people poop, they found, can have a large influence on one’s physiology and health.
Netflix's “Hack Your Health: The Secrets of Your Gut" is a documentary that merged gut microbiome experts, four individuals – including a well-known hot dog eating champion – facing personal battles with gastrointestinal health, and a unique, effective visual method of “showing” the gut microbiome in action.